Cultivating A Good Life

Healing, growing, poetry, random thoughts, homesteading, and cultivating a good life.

Fiercely Fluttering, Fascinating Friend

For years I was enamored by the simplistic beauty of the hummingbird. I longed to be a watcher of its ways in my own yard, sitting on my own porch. I wanted my yard to be a safe haven for this tiny creature so delicate. In my early 20s, I half heartedly put out feeders but never took great efforts to make this beautiful bird feel welcome. I am moving into the first year of my
30s and my old soul longed for this creatures incredible presence to happen to me. I wanted this bird to feel safe and loved around me and my presence. So, I changed water 3 times a week. I put out red ribbon. I planted flowers. I sat and watched. I tended and studied the best ways to make the bird feel safe and welcome. For weeks…I waited and stayed persistent. And one day, as I am drinking my morning coffee and enjoying the sunshine, this itty bitty creature flew up with a blur and perched on my feeder. I sat frozen, shocked, terrified of scaring it away. I watched as it dipped its beak repeatedly in the sweet nectar, drinking the nourishment for it’s body. The fruits of my labor finally bore itself. I sat so bewildered by the sight. My home finally felt like a peaceful haven for this creature. The persistence paid off. The efforts felt validated. And as I sat and watched, my soul was so over flowing with emotion, a single tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. And in that moment I had an understanding of persistence. Not just with this bird I had longed to welcome. But persistence within myself. Because I have worked on myself so persistently, I have so much joy in my heart. I have so much peace in my soul. And I, like my new hummingbird friend, feel safe. I feel safe in my skin. I feel loved, cherished, accepted by me for the first time in nearly 30 years of life, I felt at home. I wish I could tell my new friend the pure joy it’s presence brought to my soul. But since we don’t speak the same language, I will show my appreciation by keeping persistent as a thank you to not only my new found friend, but also myself. Oh my fast, fiercely flapping, fascinating friend… thank you for the life lesson you brought along with you to get a drink ✨

As always, let’s continue to cultivate a good life ✨

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On!’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

Calvin Coolidge

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About Me

Nina (pronounced Nine-ah) is my name. I am a person who is passionate about encouraging others, self-healing, self-growth, homesteading, gardening, and living a simpler way of life. I have found so much peace, refuge, and healing in the garden and I would love to share some of that with you. I want to try to spread hope that cultivating a happier and healthier life is possible. Through the years I have done a lot of searching on who I wanted to be, and not a product of the environment I knew. We have all endured trauma that has shaped our lives. Healing is possible, and we can find a better “us” underneath all of the hurt and pain. Join me as I share lived experiences, the knowledge I have gained along the way, current life happenings and lessons, a little gardening info, and just a positive message in a world of hurting people. Maybe we can all heal and grow together. Let’s cultivate a good life!


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