Cultivating A Good Life

Healing, growing, poetry, random thoughts, homesteading, and cultivating a good life.

Springtime Flutters

Do you ever have moments where time slows, and you feel so present that it takes your breath away? That was absolutely me today. I was outside right around golden hour this evening doing some meditating and grounding. I noticed many bees in my front yard happily pollinating the many grape hyacinths in my yard. In the hustle and bustle of life sometimes I forget what is important. It’s not money, work, or the many other things we have let cloud the purpose of life. It’s this right here.

I went and grabbed my camera and moseyed around my yard, stopping, sitting, and admiring the wonderful world around me. I sat in the field of Grape Hyacinths in my yard and felt this fluttering in my stomach. You know that kind you feel when you first start to fall in love with someone? Except it’s like I was falling in love with the mother all over again. There were dozens of bees flying around me, loving their life and fulfilling their duty of pollinating and birthing opportunity for more beauty.

I love immersing myself in the life around me and letting myself become one with the earth again. I truly believe we were sent here to experience life this way. I continued putting around my yard, slowly, purposefully, soaking in every delicate detail surrounding me. I stumbled upon some redbuds in perfect bloom. The contrast of the bark in this moment I thought made for the perfect background. The soft pink of the petals is so enticing.

As I continued along my journey, I came across the most gorgeous moth I think I have ever seen in my life. It quite literally took the breath right out of me. If you know me, you know I adore moths. Its delicate wings seem to be a bit torn, and although I might not be able to save it, I did place it in safe place out of the wind and the possibility of being trampled by dog or cat paws. The design in this little souls’ wings was something I highly considered getting permanently put on my body. I figure it has a species name; however, I haven’t looked into what it might be. All I do know is that this gem is captivating!

As I stood there admiring this utterly fascinating creature, my cat Shadow, runs up beside me and rubs my leg with a soft purr. He’s got the slightest crinkle in his ear from a little accident when he was a very small kitten, but nonetheless, I think he is the most handsome of boys.

Shadow cat and I started towards the house as a couple of brilliant yellows caught my eye. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to capture these lovely blooms. Yellow flowers are one of my favorites because they remind me of sunshine and happiness. My sister, who is no longer here on this earth, loved sunflowers. So, naturally, yellow flowers also remind me of her. She was like sunshine, as she brought light into everything she touched.

Far too often I take for granted how elaborately enchanting Mother Earth is. I have made a goal this year for myself to stop and take in just how enthralling it is to be alive and to experience the things God has provided. There has been placed many things around us to enjoy. And if you stop and immerse yourself in it, you will feel how connected everything is; From you yourself, to the bees, to the flowers, to the trees, and everything in between. We were all created for a purpose. So don’t forget to stop and be thankful for this life we were given. Don’t waste what we were given and be sure to cultivate a good life.

Thanks for reading, until next time, all my love. Blessings.

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About Me

Nina (pronounced Nine-ah) is my name. I am a person who is passionate about encouraging others, self-healing, self-growth, homesteading, gardening, and living a simpler way of life. I have found so much peace, refuge, and healing in the garden and I would love to share some of that with you. I want to try to spread hope that cultivating a happier and healthier life is possible. Through the years I have done a lot of searching on who I wanted to be, and not a product of the environment I knew. We have all endured trauma that has shaped our lives. Healing is possible, and we can find a better “us” underneath all of the hurt and pain. Join me as I share lived experiences, the knowledge I have gained along the way, current life happenings and lessons, a little gardening info, and just a positive message in a world of hurting people. Maybe we can all heal and grow together. Let’s cultivate a good life!


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