Cultivating A Good Life

Healing, growing, poetry, random thoughts, homesteading, and cultivating a good life.

Cycle Breaker

You can grow up in chaos and still become someone who finds peace. You can grow up seeing anger and still become someone who is gentle. You can grow up around people who constantly hurt you and become someone who is mindful to the wounds of others. You can grow up in a home without love and come to understand and receive real love. You can be someone who seen unforgiveness and become someone who forgives and looks forward. You can grow up being called names and still be someone who uses words to uplift others. You don’t have to become the environment you were born into. Your history does not determine who you are. You can become a better human being despite having lived a traumatic beginning. Let it shape you into the person you know you can be. You do not have to be a victim of your past but look forward to a triumphant future. You have two choices, you can either let the past define you and continue the cycle of despair or be the cycle breaker and be all of the things that were absent from your life. It can be done. You just have to make the choice to cultivate a positive, loving, gentle life for yourself because you are worth it. You see that person staring back at you in the mirror? They got you through those difficult times. Reward them with a better you. Dig deep. Be the cycle breaker.

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About Me

Nina (pronounced Nine-ah) is my name. I am a person who is passionate about encouraging others, self-healing, self-growth, homesteading, gardening, and living a simpler way of life. I have found so much peace, refuge, and healing in the garden and I would love to share some of that with you. I want to try to spread hope that cultivating a happier and healthier life is possible. Through the years I have done a lot of searching on who I wanted to be, and not a product of the environment I knew. We have all endured trauma that has shaped our lives. Healing is possible, and we can find a better “us” underneath all of the hurt and pain. Join me as I share lived experiences, the knowledge I have gained along the way, current life happenings and lessons, a little gardening info, and just a positive message in a world of hurting people. Maybe we can all heal and grow together. Let’s cultivate a good life!


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